The constipation is the retention of fecal matter that is reflected in a difficulty to evacuate or severe reduction in voiding frequency. In children, this is a recurring problem that we must solve to avoid problems in adulthood. It is considered a constipation problem when the stools descend to three a week, when they are hard or when the child is more than three days without going to the bathroom, which translates into a painful act and, sometimes, in the appearance of anal fissures. Although there are medications to address this problem, in this article of a How we are going to give you the following tips on how to treat constipation in children following dietary and hygienic guidelines.
Steps to follow:
1. For infants younger than 6 months fed exclusively breast milk, small tablespoons of water can be administered between the intakes. If they take adapted formulas, remember not to add more amount of powder than the manufacturer recommends, and in case of constipation, add even more water to the preparations. After four months, you can even give orange juice between milk drinks as a solution to the problem of constipation.
Once the baby begins to take fruit (between four and six months), it is advisable to give pear and orange and avoid the banana and apple, which are astringent foods. As new foods are introduced into the child’s diet, special attention must be paid to them, little by little, according to the introduction of each one, giving priority to vegetables and fruits, as well as water, which will be very important to put end to constipation.
2. For children from two years who already consume all kinds of food, it is recommended to follow correct dietary guidelines, such as adding a diet rich in fiber with a regular consumption of liquids. High-fiber foods are cereals, fruits, legumes and vegetables. Fruit and vegetables, it is advisable to take between 3 and 5 servings a day. The use of fiber will improve the situation and the wheat bran is a good food that we can add in the meals as a condiment. We cannot exceed the fiber so that it does not solidify in the intestine, so it must always be accompanied by a large amount of liquids. The recommended amount of fiber is calculated in a very simple way: adding 5 grams of fiber to the child’s age (if the child is 3 years old, he has to take 8 grams of fiber per day).
If we cook with olive oil, adding an extra spoonful will be another good advice to avoid constipation in children. We can include laxative foods such as plum and kiwi.
3. A good hydration is essential to prevent and treat constipation in children, since many times this is caused by insufficient intake of fluids. Give the child water in small amounts throughout the day and do so during meals. Also, we can add in the food we prepare more water as well. The broths will be a very good option because we will keep the child hydrated and facilitate their bowel movement.
4. In children with constipation, avoid astringent foods, such as rice, apples, bananas, carrots, chocolate or sweets. In the following article, you can see more foods that strive and that should be avoided.
There are often doubts about the issue of dairy when we want to stop constipation. We have to know that milk and its derivatives must be taken in moderation, giving more importance to yogurt, which benefits us both for diarrhea and constipation thanks to the bacteria that balance the intestinal flora. The most recommended yogurt for constipation is anyone who carries bifidus in their recipe.
5. Maintaining good habits is important to avoid problems of constipation in children, and one of them is not allowing the child to endure the urge to defecate. What we have to do is to be alert and respond when the child requests to go to the bathroom. In case of not doing so, we must try to sit on the toilet or in the potty for 5-10 minutes after meals, taking advantage of the gastrocolic reflux. We understand that for a small child this task can be boring, so we recommend entertaining him during those moments with a story or making that process a game for him. It is advisable to sit on the toilet always at the same time and allow your feet to rest on the floor to exert more pressure.
Similarly, we must follow an order and schedule for each meal.
6. At the time when the child gets to defecate, you have to reward or congratulate him, never scold him if he does not get it, since this can generate frustration and enlarge the problem of constipation. Do not forget to clean the area with warm water at the end and if there were injuries caused by constipation, you must use anti-inflammatory and healing ointments under the supervision of a doctor.
7. It is advisable that you do sport or some daily physical activity, since it is proven that habitual physical exercise improves the digestive transit. Change the child’s routine is easy if we associate it with a game, so you can go to do a sport that motivates or an activity with us that causes movement and physical wear.
8. Although there are medications to help alleviate constipation in children, always have to be prescribed by a specialist doctor and always do it as a last option or when constipation is severe, because if we follow the dietary and hygienic guidelines described here, we will improve and we will be able to reach to eradicate it in the child. If we do not adapt his life to these criteria, there is a risk that constipation will become chronic and arrive with him to adulthood, hindering his solution and generating other health problems.